Nervous Records

Zorch News

OK folks, listen up!

August 2024

Hank Mizell's 'I'm Ready' is being used in an Australian home help tv advert 'Alpha Support at Home'.

May 2024.

We have placed 'Blue Heart' by Harry Laurelle into 'Interstate 35' The Movie.

January 2024

We've licensed some albums in vinyl to Radiation Records as limited edition. They are 'Skitzo Mania' by Skitzo, 'Hall of Mirrors' by Frenzy and 'Curse of the Coffin' by Nekromantix.

September 2023.

Ken Davis'  'Oh So Blue' is featured in 'Riverdale 719' US tv series.

May 2023

Jack Rabbit Slim release their version of Rockin' Johnny Austin's 'All the time'.

October 2022

We have licenced the Raper Brothers 'Rock and roll boogie' for inclusion in a Mexican TV series called 'Cerillo', about an ageing rock star.

August 2022

Our song 'Run on' written by Andy Halligan of Furious has been released on the new Graham Fenton CD,

July 2022

Mystery Gang from Hungary have their song 'My Baby's Got An Automobile' is slated for placement into the Shaftesbury Rex V Inc. a Canadian produced TV series entitled 'Hudson & Rex', Episode 502.


March 2022: The new single from Furious 'Evil little eye' is available on digital platforms.


January 2022: Happy New Year everybody! Check out Rockin' Johnny's latest liquid offering!



October 2021: 'Motorcycle Baby' by The Rocket Three has been included in the soundtrack of a Finnish film.

July 2021: Vintage Rock has a six page feature on us - Wow!!

May 2021: Mark Harman with The Rattlesnakes Live in Moscow is digitally released.

April 2021: Mark Harman's solo album 'Cover up' is digitally released

March 2021: 'Sounds Like Restless' is digitally released.

February 2021: The Harmany Brothers album is released digitally.

January 2021:  We have acquired some of the back catalouge belonging to Mark Harman. These recordings will appear in the next few months.

September 2020: Website update launched by Wayne Beachump